Sign up for the Attune Practice Portal

We have assembled a series of attunement exercises that will help you further build the muscles, movements, postures and habits of attunement. The exercises help you progressively cultivate a deeper connection with Jesus and tap into more of his presence and guidance as he seeks to stretch and form you through this season. With continued and sincere practice, you can expect to notice yourself becoming a more emotionally healthy, adaptive and spiritually formed leader.

Access a single exercise for $9.99/year, or all the exercises for $29/year.


Attune Practice Portal Bundle
Every year

Key Relationship Lens
Every year

This is a great exercise for just about any kind of situation or area of life that is more complex. It helps us begin to tease apart the situation, naming some of the deeper and wider themes at play, and then discern 1 or 2 guideposts we most sense God inviting us to live into.

Key Relationships Lens + Scripture Search
Every year

This exercise builds upon what you’ve learned with the Key Relationships Lens and then adds on the Scripture Search to gain a fuller sense of God’s guidance.

Key Relationships Lens + Eyes to See
Every year

This exercise builds upon what you’ve learned with the Key Relationships Lens, helping us go that much deeper into discernment using metaphor, visualization and body-based awareness to help us better surface and understand what God is showing us in “groans too deep for words.”

Deeply Rooted
Every year

This exercise helps you cultivate a deeper connection with Jesus, so that “he may strengthen us with power through his Spirit in our inner being.” It will help you give all of who you are in this moment over to Jesus, using visualization to help you recognize and imitate more of the ways Jesus sees you and your situations.

Be Anxious for Nothing
Every year

“Fear not/be anxious for nothing” is the most common command in Scripture, but how do we actually become less anxious?  This exercise puts the instructions from Philippians 4:6-7 into practice, helping us tap into God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding. This exercise uses the practices of metaphor, remembering God’s goodness, and visualization to help us tune into our heart level, subconscious sense of God’s presence with us.